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The 10 hair care tips you didn’t know you needed

Scritto da HSA Cosmetics | 27-feb-2020 9.00.00

Long, short, straight, curly, thin, dry, oily, thick…you name it! The beauty of hair stands in its diversity, and that’s a fact. But while you might be concentrating on the best routine specific to your hair type, you should know that some hair care tips are just universal. Are you sure you’re following the basics?

Some things just never change and hair care fundamentals are amongst those things. In that regard, we’re all the same! Some rules apply to everyone and before you go on a quest to look for your best hair care routine, you need to start from a very solid base.


Hair care tips for daysss

Whether you look like Rapunzel or Merida or you can rock a cool pixie cut, we got you girl.



Here is a list of 10 hair care tips that you didn’t even know you needed and that you should follow ASAP:


1. Wash your hair with warm water

Hot water feels great to the touch, especially after a long winter day. However, you should be aware of the fact that super hot water will literally strip your hair of essential oils, leaving it dry and lifeless. So, next time you shower, try adjusting the temperature from boiling hot to warm. Your hair will thank you!


2. Shampoo AND condition correctly

Pfff, so basic right? Well, before you roll your eyes, are you sure you’re using them correctly? Think about where your hair gets greasy first: your roots; which is why, when you’re shampooing, you should mainly focus on your scalp and not your lengths. Same goes for conditioning: you should keep away from your roots and concentrate conditioner on your lengths and ends. Putting conditioner on your scalp can end up weighing down your hair. Who’s rolling eyes now, uh?



3. Rinse thoroughly

Even if it feels like you got rid of all the product in your hair, make sure to be extremely thorough with rinsing and always give it that extra couple of minutes. Not rinsing correctly can leave your hair feeling heavy and oily.


4. Take care of your scalp too

This is where your hair grows out from so, to keep your scalp healthy, means that you start from a good base to grow healthy hair. At the end of the day, it’s skin that needs to be taken care of just as much as your face. Regular build up of oil, dead skin cells and leftover product can end up suffocating your scalp. A good scalp scrub and restoring serum once in a while should do the trick!


5. Sleep on a silk pillowcase

Spoiler alert: cotton pillowcases can literally absorb hair care products out of your hair! So, all of your good work just goes to waste. Switch to a silk or satin pillowcase: it’s more gentle on the hair and doesn’t dry it out. I know, mind blown.



6. Deep condition regularly

Just like your face, your hair also needs that extra boost of nutrients every once in a while. So, try adding nutritive, restoring hair masks to your routine once a week. Leave it on for a minute: your hair will fell much softer and stronger.


7. Let it air dry when possible

Excessive heat styling can and will damage your hair! Give it a break and try letting it air dry when you can.


8. Protect hair from UV rays

Oh how much you love that sun bleached hair look in the summer! Well sure, but be careful. The sun can actually harm your hair, just like it harms your skin. Which is why you should protect it with a hat or specific SPF serums when you’re outside for a long time.


9. Trim split ends

I know, so sad. But you have to. When ends start splitting, it’s easier to give them a little trim, rather than desperately trying to seal them up. Relax, you don’t have to cut dramatically short: a little bit is just enough. You hair will end up looking healthier this way.



10. Use a wide tooth comb on wet hair

Wet hair tends to break more easily than dry hair, which is why we recommend you to use a wide tooth comb on your damp hair (rather than a brush) and also to be extremely gentle when doing so.



If you check all the boxes, you’re good. If you don’t, well just know that implementing all these hair care tips into your routine is a lot easier than what it sounds. Trust us, we are cosmetic manufacturers specialized in the manufacturing of private label hair care products. We know!


If you’re looking for a partner and need more information about healthy hair care tips, get in touch! We’ll gladly assist you with all the info you need.