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Starting an organic skin care line with the ingredients of 2020

Scritto da HSA Cosmetics | 21-nov-2019 9.00.00

We’ll soon be leaving 2019 behind, well aware, now more than ever, that the future of skin care lies in the simplicity and genuineness of its ingredients. We’re all aware by now: less is more. Few, but excellent ingredients. Natural, to respect the environment and our health. No more crazy chemicals with radioactive colors and intense fragrances. The skin care of the future focuses on simple things. Let’s discover them together!

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ll certainly have noticed how in the past few years consumers have increasingly focused their attention on natural and plant-based ingredients.


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A quick trip down your own memory lane will make you notice how just hearing the word “organic” immediately makes you feel safer. Can’t blame you.

This increased awareness regarding pollution of the air and of the water has made us understand how necessary i tis to find natural methods to protect our skin.

And this is where we intervene: as a response to this need. We’ve taken a look at the crystal ball of skin care and found out the ingredients of 2020 that will become top-notch elements for your organic skin care line.

What you need to start your own organic skin care line

No man is an island. The first fundamental ingredient you need to breathe life into your organic skin care line is a specialized partner you can trust, with experience and suitable tools to manage the entire process, from identifying raw materials to designing your packaging.

Being familiar with all standards in force is crucial to ensure that consumers will be using an excellent product. The second crucial ingredient is therefore a well-equipped laboratory, to provide actual and concrete support during the entire production process of your skin care line.

Once this is done, you’ll be needing the proper ingredients to add to your formulas. These are the ones that will be trending in 2020!

Royal jelly

You may remember your mom making you gobble down royal jelly from those horrible plastic vials. It tasted terrible and you never understood the real need for such a torture method. Well, you might as well call your mom now and thank her, because royal jelly has incredible beneficial properties!

Rich in vitamins and amino acids, royal jelly is an excellent antioxidant, useful to slow down skin aging. A product containing royal jelly helps keep the skin toned and moisturized, therefore preventing wrinkles. Finally, it’s a great natural protection against photo-aging caused by UVB rays. Decidedly an ingredient you can count on to create your organic skin care line.

Active charcoal

How can we forget those videos, mostly fails, in which YouTuber and Instagrammers peel off a black solidified mask from their faces? We’ve all seen them.

Those were active charcoal masks. Since then our interest for this natural ingredient has only increased, and is destined to increase even more.

Active charcoal is a powder obtained from the carbonization of wood, coconuts or bamboo, and it’s particularly porous and has an immense absorption capacity.

Thanks to these absorbent, detoxifying and purifying properties, active charcoal is a very useful ingredient for oily and mixed skins. This is a great ingredient for purifying creams, as it regulates excessive sebum.

But the true strong asset of active charcoal is its versatility: it’s great to cleanse, scrub and purify impure skins, and is therefore perfect for the formulation of single products with more than one property. 


Much has been said about hemp lately - it’s cannabis’ little sister. We don’t care whether most of its consumers would rather smoke it; we’re interested in hemp because its seeds yield an oil with properties that are extremely beneficial for the skin.

Rich in amino acids, Omega 3, Omega 6, and vitamins A, B1, and B2, hemp seed oil is the perfect ingredient for skincare products, as it moisturizes, regenerates and nourishes the skin.

It is particularly indicated to treat dry skin that tends to crack, redden and become irritated easily. Hemp seed oil is particularly useful for sensitive skin that suffers in low temperatures and with atmospheric agents.

 These were the secrets that will help you launch your organic skin care line in 2020. But that’s not all! To get to know all, ALL the novelties for the upcoming year, contact us and become our partner.