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Know your business: discover the latest hair care industry trends

Scritto da HSA Cosmetics | 22-ago-2019 7.00.00

The greatest hair care brands have banded together to defend minimalism when it comes to hair care.
Minimalism is a quest for the relationship between the self, the space, and society, in their natural coexistence. No frills, no glitter, no sequins, just a proud formula that is effective in enhancing what already exists and that appreciates the differences. These are the trends we should embrace:

  • Fast beauty
  • Protection
  • Clean beauty
  • Skinification

To learn more


Don’t make grandma cry, but listen to the latest hair care industry trends

Every time you throw away a Christmas sweater, a grandmother cries somewhere in the world.


Tell me the truth, do you have a past history of hoarding? Don’t be shy, we’re all a little obsessed with things, accessories, superfluous stuff. It’s a human thing, right? In any case, the day always comes when you say enough is enough, and throw everything in the trash. Just make sure you don’t get rid of your Christmas sweater, otherwise you know what happens.

Just like you can't find your cat when she’s sleeping under your clothes, the great names of the beauty world need to do some spring cleaning every now and then, in order to see what’s going on. The trends of the hair care industry for 2019 are a high-fidelity reproduction of this willingness, reincarnated in a new minimalism where room is made only for the truly important things.


Fast beauty

One of the declinations of these trends for the hair care industry is the much-acclaimed Fast Beauty. Never heard of it? Well, it hasn't heard of you either, it has no time for this kind of stuff.

The hair care world reflects the demands of a society that is constantly in motion, where there isn’t enough time to take care of one’s own hair, let alone to wait for the results. This is where hybrid products come in, capable of applying several treatments simultaneously, or waxes that color hair instantaneously.



Apropos of life in big cities, do you remember that rattle that followed you all winter long? Well, that’s smog. It’s bad not just for your health and social life, but it also damages your hair. Products that can protect and improve the health of your hair are one of the great trends of the hair care industry in 2019.


Clean beauty

The trends of the hair care industry are on the side of a natural beauty, where the health of scalp and hair becomes essential in the quest for an aesthetic look that is less constructive and truly satisfying.

They’re finding their place thanks to clean beauty, numerous products with formulas that focus on a few specific ingredients that focus mainly on hair health.



The true beauty of hair is increasingly related to scalp health and, as a consequence, to the skincare world. In this intertwining of roles, the best elements of skincare formulas are used within hair products, with the purpose of simultaneously bringing back to balance the health of scalp and hair, creating a crucial foundation for hair in perfect shape.


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